Chi Alpha News – Vol. 62, No. 11

Washington D.C. Trip Thank you, church, for all your prayers this week while we were in Washington DC! Trips like this are not possible without a church family supporting us from back home. I consider myself blessed every day to get the opportunity to lead these...

Devotional Corner – Vol. 62, No. 11

From Billy Graham’s Daily Devotion Archive “. . . I was hungry, [and] you gave me food…” (Matthew 25:35 NEB). During the war a church in Strasburg, Germany, was totally destroyed; but a statue of Christ which stood by the altar was almost unharmed. Only the hands of...

Prime Time – Vol. 62, No. 11

Don’t forget to sign up in the Connection Center for Josephine’s Tea Room in Godfrey, Illinois.  We will leave church at 10:00 a.m., eat lunch, and then do a little shopping. Gentlemen are welcome to come and hold our bags!  Lunch will be approximately $12-$17, plus...

Announcements – Vol. 62, No. 11

Sympathy Our love through Christian sympathy is extended to … Family and friends on the passing of Billie Jean Phelps, on May 21. … Mary Lou Townsend and family on the passing of her aunt, Joyce Moore Smith, on May 31. … John (Thelma) Hopkins on the passing of his...

College & Outreach – Vol. 62, No. 11

“Others are like seed sown among thorns; these are the ones who hear the word, but the worries of this age, the deceitfulness of wealth, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful,” (Mark 4:18-19 CSB). Mortgages. Car...

Family Front – Vol. 62, No. 11

Mother/Daughter Spa Day Recap Thank you Children’s Committee and other volunteers that helped with the Mother/Daughter Spa Day on June 4. Moms and daughters had a great time with various crafts, hair chalk and nail polish, and just spending some time together. It made...