Family Front – Vol. 62, No. 21

Trunk or Treat Recap Thank you everyone that had a part in the Trunk or Treat event on October 30.  We were so glad to invite the community for a fun afternoon for the kids. Thank you for all the candy donations and time spent to share the Gospel in this unique way!...

Prime Time – Vol. 62, No. 21

Thankfulness For November, I have a challenge for each of you I think might change your heart towards an attitude of gratitude. For years I have challenged myself at the end of the day to thank God for 10 good things that happened that day. I would like to challenge...

Heart of Worship – Vol. 62, No. 21

Sometimes worship looks like those moments when we are at peace and in quiet reverence before the Lord, and other times worship is a sacrifice. Today, I would like us to explore the sacrifice of praise together. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:15, “Through Him then, let...

Music Musings – Vol. 62, No. 21

Inspirational quotes by great composers I recently read an article on the spiritual lives of great composers. Many of the greatest composers acknowledged that their musical inspiration came from God and the Bible, thus believing in the essential Christian doctrines. I...

Announcements – Vol. 62, No. 21

Sunday Night Connection Our first Sunday Night Connection is November 6 at 5:00 p.m. We will have a cornhole tournament but you will need to sign up your 2-person team in the Connection Center.  If you don’t want to participate in the tournament, just bring your lawn...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 62, No. 21

God wants us to hide His word in our hearts. Our church body has many opportunities to connect with God and others on almost every day of the week. Let Gloria know if you want to get connected with a group!  We have opportunities on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and...