Bible Study Corner – Vol. 62, No. 22

So why should you read the Bible and study it with others? First, through the Bible you learn who God is and His qualities. It talks about all the things that gives your life meaning. Second, it shows us how God wants to interact with us and how much He loves and...

Heart of Worship – Vol. 62, No. 22

As we are coming into the Thanksgiving season, we generally think of all the things we have to be thankful for. It is normal to look around us and see all the physical things that can lead to a heart of thanksgiving. However, this year, I encourage you to look at all...

Chi Alpha News – Vol. 62, No. 22

Christmas Luau Party Our annual Christmas party is coming up soon, and this year, we are having a luau theme! So, combine your best Christmas attire with your finest luau wear, and come hang out with us for a fun night! This will be our last Wednesday night for 2022...

A Word From Our Prayer Warriors – Vol. 62, No. 22

November is here and the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching. Here are a few Bible verses to remind us to always be thankful to and for our Lord. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever,” (1 Chron. 16:34). “Be joyful always; pray...

A Word From Interim Pastor, Matt Easter – Vol. 62, No. 21

Hello Fee Fee family! Thank you for the kindness you’ve shown me and my family these first few weeks together. I knew many of you already, and so serving at Fee Fee as interim pastor has come naturally. My wife (Andrea) and our three kids (Evie, Ellie, and John) felt...

College & Outreach – Vol. 62, No. 21

From New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp “I wish I could say I always rest in God’s control, but there are times when I want to be in charge. I wish I could say there are never times when I am irritated or impatient, but I struggle with both on occasion. I wish I...