Prime Time – Vol. 63, No. 1

It’s a new year and a new beginning. I hope you have made a commitment to be “all in” serving the Lord this year.  As always, the seniors have some fun activities planned for this year, plus a service project for the quarter. January will be filled with movies! First,...

Heart of Worship – Vol. 63, No. 1

I love the beginning of a new year! It brings with it a grace to renew promises to ourselves or even start new ones. At the kick off to any new year, there seems to be an abundance of new dreams, new opportunities, and the hope to accomplish something you never have...

Family Front – Vol. 62, No. 25

It’s Winter! I hope you are keeping safe and warm in this winter weather! Spend some good family time together and thank God for his blessing of life and love during this season. New Year! We are beginning a new year—can you believe we are starting 2023?! Do you ever...

Chi Alpha News – Vol. 62, No. 25

Big Chill 2023 Woah…. how in the world did we end up here already? It feels like we just wrapped up DNOW. So now you’re trying to convince me that Big Chill 2023 is only days away— January 13 & 14 (you should sign you and your friends up btw)?! This has definitely...

A Word From Interim Pastor, Matt Easter – Vol. 62, No. 25

It’s Christmas! At Christmas we celebrate the Incarnation: when God became human. As I mentioned in my sermon on Sunday, there is perhaps no greater mystery of our faith than God becoming one of us. On Sunday we explored the ways the New Testament describes Jesus as...

Bible Study Corner – Vol. 62, No. 25

All Wednesday night activities will resume on January 4. Derald Harris will be leading a Bible Study in Acts in the Dining room for the adults. Youth small groups will also start back up. AWANA will resume, and the women will be doing a study on Jesus and Women. Start...