We have had a great semester, but the school year is coming to an end. Which brings us into our summer activities. Be sure to make note of the following dates. May 1st will be starting our Wednesday night Chi Alpha Summer activities! In May, we will meet on the...
Attention Veterans If you are a veteran of the U.S. armed forces, please contact the church office with your name and the branch in which you served. Thank you for your service. Red Cross Blood Drive The next Red Cross Blood drive is Thursday May 23. Please sign up...
Hope you are enjoying spring. We have some fun activities planned for you in May. Sign up for the Legacy Banquet on Saturday night, May 11. It will begin with a fabulous dinner at 6 and transition it to the “Songs of our Life”. I promise you a great time of friends,...
There is a place for everyone in Bible study on Sunday morning at 9:15. Our First Impressions team can help you find a great class when you meet them in the welcome center. Awanas is over until next fall but the women’s class and Derald’s class will continue until May...
The youth just wrapped up our Wednesday night and Sunday morning series. On Wednesdays we were going through the I am statements of Jesus. Discussing who Jesus is, and what He did, and what He will continue to do. On Sundays we were doing a series called Real Faith....
Sunday Night Connection The connection this month will be on Sunday, April 7. We hope you will invite friends and neighbors to our Rotten Egg Hunt. While we are not really hiding left over eggs from Easter. You will recognize a rotten egg when you find one. Kids...