Happy Fall! Put Trunk or Treat on your calendar for Sunday, October 31, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. There is SO MUCH to do and we have a spot for you: help setup, decorate a trunk to give out candy, greet people, run a game in the courtyard, face paint, clean up, and shuttle...
Families Watch for a digital survey from me regarding Family Ministry. I want to hear from you about our children and family ministries. Midweek Activities We have begun our new church year for midweek activities, with AWANA for kids from 6:00-7:00 p.m. There is...
Families Watch for a digital survey from me regarding Family Ministry. I want to hear from you about our children and family ministries. Midweek Activities We have begun our new church year for midweek activities, with AWANA for kids from 6:00-7:00 p.m. There is...
Impact Week Impact Week is coming up September 12-18. Perhaps you and your family plan to meet a need in your community? Clean out gutters for a neighbor? Take cookies to police or fire stations? Pick up trash in a local park? There are lot of small projects you can...
Wednesday Nights On Wednesday, September 8 we will begin our new church year for Wednesday night activities, with AWANA for kids at 6:00 p.m. We will have Puggles for ages 0-2; Cubbies for age 3-pre-K; K-3 grades will attend Sparks and TnT; and we have a little...
VBS/Sports Camp Recap We had a wonderful week at Wilderness Escape VBS and Sports Crusaders basketball camp. The kids had so much fun and learned about the attributes of God. Thank you, Church, for providing the resources so we can host such great events for our...