Family Front – Vol. 61, No. 22

Happy Fall! Thank you to all who helped make our Trunk or Treat a success this year! From candy donations to set-up people, decorated trunks, greeters, traffic control and cleanup. We met our community well. Thank you, Church! Families Watch for a digital survey from...

Family Front – Vol. 61, No. 21

Happy Fall! Put Trunk or Treat on your calendar for Sunday, October 31, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. There is SO MUCH to do and we have a spot for you: help setup, decorate a trunk to give out candy, greet people, run a game in the courtyard, face paint, clean up, and shuttle...

Family Front – Vol. 61, No. 20

Families Watch for a digital survey from me regarding Family Ministry. I want to hear from you about our children and family ministries. Midweek Activities We have begun our new church year for midweek activities, with AWANA for kids from 6:00-7:00 p.m. There is...

Family Front – Vol. 61, No. 19

Families Watch for a digital survey from me regarding Family Ministry. I want to hear from you about our children and family ministries. Midweek Activities We have begun our new church year for midweek activities, with AWANA for kids from 6:00-7:00 p.m. There is...

Family Front – Vol. 61, No. 18

Impact Week Impact Week is coming up September 12-18. Perhaps you and your family plan to meet a need in your community? Clean out gutters for a neighbor? Take cookies to police or fire stations? Pick up trash in a local park?  There are lot of small projects you can...

Family Front – Vol. 61, No. 17

Wednesday Nights On Wednesday, September 8 we will begin our new church year for Wednesday night activities, with AWANA for kids at 6:00 p.m. We will have Puggles for ages 0-2; Cubbies for age 3-pre-K; K-3 grades will attend Sparks and TnT; and we have a little...