Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 05

Don’t forget to sign up at the Info Center for the Churchill Museum trip on Thursday, March 26. The bus will leave the church at 9:30 a.m. We will have lunch at Bek’s, a local favorite.  Admission for the guided tour is $9 and there is a $5 charge for your...

Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 04

It’s been really nice to see the sun a little more lately. As we move into spring, we have some fun excursions planned. That said, we have a fun afternoon planned  here at the church on Thursday, March 12. At 11:30 a.m., we will begin with chili, chicken soup, and...

Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 03

Don’t forget to be on the bus by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 13. The Aquarium is $25.00 per person. Lunch will be at Zia’s afterwards. On Tuesday, February 25, we will head to the Missouri History Museum, following with lunch at Joey B’s. The bus will leave the...

Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 02

We have some exciting events coming up! Don’t forget to sign up for the trip to Union Station to visit the Aquarium on Thursday, February 13. The cost is $25. Afterwards, we will have lunch at one of the best restaurants on The Hill – Zia’s. And we can likely find...

Prime Time – Vol. 60, No. 01

Welcome to a new decade! It’s going to be a great year. The Senior Adult Council has planned many great activities for the year and I hope you can attend and bring some friends. This is a great opportunity to introduce someone to the church! Mark your calendar with...

Prime Time – Vol. 59, No. 26

Another year is about to come to an end. It went by fast, didn’t it? It has been a very good year for the seniors at Fee Fee. God gave us a new pastor, whom we all love, and he brought with him a precious wife and three adorable children for us all to love and...