Please sign up in the new Connection Center for our April 16 outing. We have a brand new area for our members where the sign-up sheets will be. Walk towards the media center through the coffee Café and it is on your left, before entering the Café Annex. The Fee Fee...
The Senior Council met recently and planned events for the next quarter. I think you will be very excited about the fun activities we came up with! Our first event will be April 16, and we feel very confident that most of us will have had their second dose of the...
As more and more of you get your vaccinations, I feel confident that we will soon be enjoying some trips and lunches together. I’m really looking forward to that time. God made us for relationship with Him and others. It’s been a year and we might just have to learn...
Aren’t you thankful for a nice warm house and a schedule that allows you to stay home, drink hot chocolate, and read books when we have a snow day? I know I am. I’m also thankful that spring is on its way and with the prospect of many of us having had our vaccine...
It’s February already, and Phil saw his shadow, so we are going to have 6 more weeks of winter. I hate to tell Phil this, but God already promised us seasons. In Genesis 8:22, God tells us that “as long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer...
I don’t know about you, but I am really enjoying reading through the New Testament with the church. Sometimes I need the time to catch up on the weekend, and I am glad that time is built into our schedule for that. I also love that the Bible App, You Version, will...