Bible Study Corner, Vol. 64, No. 8, August 2024

Bible Study During September our Bible studies will start up on Wednesday, September 11.  Not all of the topics have been announced yet but the women will be studying the book of Ephesians with Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes and Melissa Kruger.  Women of all ages...

Bible Study Corner, Vol. 64, No. 7, July 2024

Bible Study Corner There is a place for everyone in Bible study on Sunday morning at 9:15. Our First Impressions team can help you find a great class when you meet them in the Welcome Center. If anyone is interested in starting up or joining a small group or...

Bible Study Corner, June 2024, Vol. 64, No. 6

There is a place for everyone in Bible study on Sunday morning at 9:15. Our First Impressions team can help you find a great class when you meet them in the welcome center. If anyone is interested in starting up or joining a small group or Transformation group, please...

Bible Study Corner Vol. 64, No. 5

There is a place for everyone in Bible study on Sunday morning at 9:15. Our First Impressions team can help you find a great class when you meet them in the welcome center. Awanas is over until next fall but the women’s class and Derald’s class will continue until May...

Bible Study Corner Vol. 64, No. 4

Invite someone to come with you to Bible Study this month.  It’s a great place to get to know others in the church, pray, and help each other.  Build relationships with other Christians as you build your relationship with God.  There are Bible studies for all ages on...

Bible Study Corner Vol. 64, No. 3

Fee Fee has a Bible Study for everyone from 9:15-10:15 each Sunday morning.   Gloria can help you find a good fit and our First Impressions team can help you find the appropriate classroom on Sunday morning.  Hope to see you in Bible study. Wednesday night studies for...