As COVID subsides, I would like to encourage those of you in T-groups who have been meeting on Marco Polo, to start meeting in person again. There is something so special about meeting together – a connection that cannot be made using a screen. I currently have a new group of 3 women looking for 2 more women to join. I would love to get flooded with so many requests from new members that we have to have multiple groups!

For those who may not know, T-groups are groups of 3-5 men or 3-5 women who meet together weekly, to talk about what God is showing them in Scripture, encourage one another, hold each other accountable, and pray for one another. Your group chooses a time and place to meet weekly. Get creative!

I would also like to encourage formation of new small groups or the resurrection of old ones. Again, we need the support of in-person interaction with other Christians, and if you meet in homes, it’s a great place to invite your neighbors. Let me know where you are planning to meet with your group: