Almost all Bible Study classes are back in person. Hope you will join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.

As you know, we will complete our Grounded readings on May 7. For those who wish to continue, we will begin reading one chapter a day, Monday through Friday, from the book of Isaiah beginning May 10. So grab your commentaries and join us! There are a lot of prophecies (or doom and destruction) for the nation of Israel, but there are also a lot of prophecies about Jesus! You do not need to sign up or for this summer reading challenge, but if you would like to join a Marco Polo group to discuss what you have read, please contact Gloria. You can also join Gloria live on Facebook on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for a discussion of what we have read. Pastor Zach will be preaching from Isaiah in a sermon series this summer, so this will help to prepare you for that series. I invite you to challenge yourself with these readings.