It is so good to see our Sunday morning Bible Study numbers climbing. We had 166 involved in Bible Study last week. I hope you are a part of it. We are currently looking at Bible study in conjunction with our mission statement of BUILDING and PURSUING. Bible Study does a great job of helping us build our lives on Jesus, BUT we need to see how we can use this tool to pursue the good of our community.

Beginning September 8, our Wednesday night activities will begin again. Adults will have the option of attending the Pastor-led Bible Study and prayer time. Other options include our Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies, AWANA, and Youth small groups. I hope you will attend one of these groups as we jump into fall!

Loaves and Fishes

Want to serve your community in an amazing way? Sign up as a group (Bible Study group, T-Group, small group, etc.) to feed the residents of Loaves and Fishes and serve together and pursue the good of the community! There are a maximum of 29 residents. We have faithfully fed the people there for almost two years on the third Tuesday of the month. Our next date is August 17 and right now, we do not have any volunteers. ☹ Thanks for your consideration and your willingness to serve. Let Gloria or Andrew know if you would like to provide this meal for August.