Each week more people are returning to church for corporate worship and Bible Study. I would like to challenge each of you to get involved. Pastor Zach just preached through Hebrews 10, and we really are better together. We have classes for everyone. Hope to see you Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

Men’s Fraternity continues to meet through the summer, but all other Wednesday Bible Studies will resume on September 8.

Join me on Facebook Live on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. for a study through Isaiah. If you cannot join live, it is posted on Facebook and website for viewing at your convenience.


Last year at the Free Market, we were able to hand out almost 100 backpacks filled with school supplies for the kids in our community. Our goal is to DOUBLE that number this year! We are hoping that small groups, Bible Study classes, Marco Polo groups, and any other group or individual will help us meet this goal. The Forerunner has a list of needed school supplies. Help us reach our goal by August 3 for handout at the Free Market on August 7.