Thanks to each and every one of our teachers who have found a way to continue Bible Study. We have had several requests for meeting in person so we will roll out this option on Sunday, September 6 at 9:45–10:45 a.m. While this is not meant to replace your existing Sunday School class, it is an option for those who would like to attend a Bible Study in person at this time.

The Options are as follows:

  • Dave and Donna Potts will be leading a study in the Dining Room using the dated Lifeway Curriculum – “Through the Bible.”
  • Doug Monasmith will be leading a study on the book of Genesis in the Chapel.
  • Gloria Fox will be taking “A Fresh Look at Jesus,” by seeing His life from a Jewish perspective in the Fellowship Hall.

Again, these are in-person studies for a limited time at the church and are not meant to replace your current Bible Study class that is on Zoom or some other method. Due to limited capacities, reserve your spot by signing up for classes on our website.

In addition, in-person Men’s and Women’s Bible studies will begin on Wednesday, September 9 from 6:00–7:00 p.m.

Women’s Bible study will be resuming the Beth Moore study of the Patriarchs beginning with Jacob. Men’s Fraternity will be continuing with their study.

Children will also be meeting on Wednesday from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Kathy will provide more details to our families on what the children’s hour will encompass.

Looking forward to seeing you in Bible Study, even if it is in an abbreviated way.