Pastor Zach has challenged us to get connected in a Bible Study group. You can choose from many options, including Sunday morning Bible Study (for men or women), small group, or Transformation Group.  The benefits of any of these groups are numerous. A recent study by the Center for Bible Engagement polled 40,000 individuals from ages 8 to 89 and found the following information. If we read our Bibles at least 4 times a week the following decreases will occur:

  • 30% decrease in feelings of loneliness
  • 32% decrease in anger issues
  • 40% decrease in bitterness
  • 57% decrease in alcoholism
  • 60% decrease on spiritual stagnation
  • 61% decrease on pornography use

On another positive side, if you read your Bible four times per week, the stats show a:

  • 200% increase in sharing your faith
  • 230% increase in discipling others

Visit the Welcome Center for help getting connected or email Gloria at