International Food Pantry

Donations have fallen off considerably for the international food pantry.  If it is difficult for you to get your donations to church or if shopping is difficult for you, we would like to invite you to make a donation to the church and designate these funds for the pantry.  With these funds available, we would be able to purchase more fresh items like eggs, milk and meat right before our time to serve.

If you would like to serve on this team, please contact Dan Wallace at 636-312-5012.  Upcoming dates are March 15, May 17, July 19, September 6 and November 15, 2025.

Fee Fee Is Hiring

We are currently looking for someone to join our maintenance team on a

part-time basis. Candidates should be proficient in general cleaning duties.

Familiarity with minor electrical, plumbing and general handyman repairs is preferred. Applications are available in the church office during regular business hours.

Loaves and Fishes

We feed the residents at Loaves and Fishes (a local homeless shelter for families) every 3rd Tuesday of each month.  There are 29 residents and about half of them are children.  Do you belong to a group in this church who would be willing to provide a meal in the upcoming months?  Your group can buy a meal like pizza or have individuals provide a part of the meal like, spaghetti, salad, bread and desert.  Then it needs to be delivered between 4:30 and 4:45. There is a sign-up in the connection center if you can help or you can just let Gloria know. Thanks in advance for your help.

Inclement Weather Cancellation Policy

 Fee Fee Baptist Church will cancel services, Bible studies and activities when it is deemed necessary for the safety of church members driving to and from church as well as walking and moving around the church properties itself. The church no longer mirrors Pattonville School District’s cancellation policy as they have changed their procedures in calling for cancellations and Virtual Learning Days.

We will take many criteria into formulating a decision on cancellations.

On days Fee Fee is not cancelled, but inclement weather is happening, it is the sole discretion of the bus drivers if they feel comfortable picking up church goers. All cancellations will be conveyed through TV stations Channels 2, 4, and 5. It will be posted on our website, social media and notifications will be sent out through our church app.

Coffee With a Cause

During 2025 our Coffee With a Cause will go toward our

Member Led Ministry.

As part of our church values, we want to equip members to connect others to the power of the gospel, and use their gifts for ministries that do the same.

 Week Of Prayer For

North American Missions March, 2-9

 Annie Armstrong Ingathering

March, 9

Church Goal Is
