Impact Week 2024

Impact week is Sept. 8-14. Sign-up sheets for this years activities & projects are in the Welcome Center. Please prayerfully consider how God can use YOU to make the greatest IMPACT on your community. Don’t forget to sign up and remember to email your hours to after serving for Impact Week.

Redemption Ranch and IMPACT week

 While our goal is to always be serving in our community, we have set a week aside in September for special emphasis that we call Impact Week.  The week kicks off on Sunday, September 8 with a service, lunch and fun for all at Redemption Ranch.  You will be hearing more about this in our weekly announcements.

The rest of the week is spent doing things to impact our community.  This year’s projects may include a free car wash, topping off  windshield washer fluid, pickleball and possibly volleyball tournaments with community teams, serving at Loaves and Fishes food pantry and numerous other activities.  If you have any suggestions for service projects, please contact Gloria.

Fee Fee Weekly Activities

Did you know Fee Fee offers weekly activities that are open to all members?

We play Volleyball Sunday evenings at 7. Pickleball takes place Tuesday night at 6 and Wednesday morning at 10. Or, come hoop it up with Men’s Basketball Wednesday night at 8. We also offer boardgames for Prime Timers on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 1. Come have some fun and invite a friend.


 To Tyler and Anna Kiefer

on their marriage


International Food Pantry

 Food items needed for Aug/Sept include:

Peanut Butter

Canned Beans



Donations are due by Sept. 21.

Coffee With a Cause

Our Coffee With a  Cause this month will go toward assisting with Pattonville schools student lunches

There is a Thank You card from Sports Crusaders  (Volleyball Camp) available for viewing in the church office during the month of September.