You Are Gifted

Most school districts have some version of a “gifted and talented” program. Children who exhibit intellectual abilities beyond those of the average student in their grade are labeled “gifted” and placed in more academically rigorous courses. The rest of the kids are given fun labels like “normal” or “not special” and placed in classes taught by coaches. Some of you were placed in advanced courses as a child, and you have lived your entire life with the label “gifted” proudly hanging over your head. Others of you were not placed in that program, and maybe you have lived your entire life believing you aren’t that special—that you aren’t gifted.

Regardless of the labels our educational system has given you, I want to share a word from Scripture with you: If you are in Christ, you are gifted.

1 Corinthians 12:7 teaches that every Christian has received a manifestation of the Holy Spirit for the benefit of the body of believers. In other words, each of you has a spiritual gift—a God-given talent and ability to advance the cause of Christ. You have the ability to grow us in our devotion to Christ, our organization in service to him, our understanding of God’s will for us, our service to each other and to the world, and/or our ability to reach the lost with the gospel. You’re gifted—and our church needs your gift.

For some of you, your gifts fit neatly into an established ministry of our church. You can teach children or youth. You can be a warm and welcoming presence for guests on a Sunday morning. You can cook meals for funerals, homebound church members, or special occasions. You can sing, play an instrument, or run a sound board on Sunday mornings. You can teach English to community members who want to learn the language. I would highly encourage each of you to look at the opportunities for service that our church provides and see if your gifts align with any of those ministries.

For others of you, your gifts do not neatly align with any established ministry. God has given you a talent and a passion for something else entirely. In your case, I would encourage you to pursue that ministry to the best of your ability. Don’t wait for the church to set it up; take the ministry and run with it.

In either case, know that you are gifted. We need you. Let’s see what the Holy Spirit can do in our church through you.

In Christ,
