Church Family,

Do you ever get a song stuck in your head and you just can’t get it out? As I’m writing this article, there is a children’s song on repeat in my brain. What makes it really odd, is this is a children’s song in Spanish!

Yo tango gorzo, gorzo, gorzo, gorzo en mi corazon,

Donde? En mi corazon?

That song, “I’ve got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart” is one of the many songs that our Dominican Republic missions team is familiarizing ourselves with as we prepare to head out on July 9.

It’s not just music that we will be doing. We have a packed schedule to look forward to. We will be leading a Vacation Bible School for our partner church and also doing the same at a local orphanage. In addition, we will get to participate in an evangelistic outreach night at the church as well as services dedicated to equipping men and women in the church and community. Further, we will be doing prayer walking in the community and ministering however we can. Finally, we will get to check out the water well that Fee Fee has funded for the community. And the well was put in right beside the local church!

I’m so thankful for our church’s commitment to missions. Our youth had a great time serving in our nation’s capital. We have a college student just wrapping up his time in southeast Asia. We have a couple who will be working with Concord Builders. We have a recent college graduate heading back to the Pacific Northwest to go to advanced leadership training so she can help lead overseas trips. We have another recent college graduate serving as a journeyman missionary in North Africa. The list just goes on! I love our commitment to the Great Commission!

I want to ask for you to continue to pray for our different mission endeavors. Also, I want us to make sure that we aren’t just doing missions in Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. I want us to be on mission here in Bridgeton! One of our deacons, Chris Fisbeck, is going to start leading some prayer walking right here in our community. Join him and let’s be missional here and now! Or help be a driver with our Meals On Wheels program on Tuesdays. Or serve in our Mobile Market the second Monday of each month. Or sign up to serve a meal to Loaves and Fishes.

We have a litany of missions opportunities right here. Let’s take the Gospel to our neighborhoods and the nations!

Please be praying for our Dominican Republic Mission Team and look for ways to be on mission for God right here!

In Him,

Pastor Zach Crook