Church Family,

“Renovation in progress” should be a sign that we permanently hang up around our church. From the youth area we updated recently, to our Welcome Center, to our Media Center update, to the lighting in the parking lot, there always seems to be something that is being updated around our campus.

Don’t get me wrong, these renovations are good things, and necessary. We constantly want to improve and update our campus, so we make a great first impression to visitors and our community.

These physical renovations are important (and it makes me so thankful that we have Mike Bayles working his magic!). However, we also need to allow God to renovate us, the body of Christ. We want to be molded and shaped into authentic Christians that reflect the love of Jesus to the world. What does the word “authentic” mean to you? Merriam-Webster defines it as “real or genuine: not copied or false.” I would argue that in our day and age, our country needs authentic Christians now more than ever.

Scripture challenges us to not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Allowing God to renovate us means that we allow him to give us a biblical perspective on our world today. We look at things from a Christ-exalting lens and we willingly die to self. It isn’t easy, but we set aside our own desires and live to magnify Christ’s Kingdom here on earth.

It is my prayer that as we continue walking through the parables of Jesus together as a church family, we will all truly know what it means to live as Christ’s ambassadors in this fallen world. I pray that our understanding of God’s Kingdom will grow, and we will allow the Spirt to work in our lives and we will undergo renovations in our hearts!

Let’s commit, as a church family, to see through the physical renovations on our church building and the spiritual renovations that our hearts all need as we continue our study on the parables of Jesus. These spiritual renovations are how we can truly build our lives on Jesus.

Also, let’s make sure to take time this week to pray for our student ministry. They are currently pursuing the good of our nation’s capital as they are on their summer mission trip in D.C. Let’s pray that God is working in and through them this week!

I can’t wait to hear stories of how God is moving, both here at Fee Fee and through our missions team in D.C. I know God is going to be on the move this summer!

In Him,

Pastor Zach Crook