In life, there are different kinds of milestones that we encounter. Some, we simply want to acknowledge. Others, we need to pause and celebrate. For example, this month we hit the milestone of one year of life being drastically altered because of COVID-19. While that is not a milestone that any of us want to celebrate, it is definitely something worth acknowledging. I am thankful that, in the midst of this past year of difficulty, our God is still faithful and in control.
One major reason that we know that God is still faithful and in control is because of another milestone that we get to celebrate next month. Can you believe that Easter is just a couple weeks away?! This is a milestone that is well worth celebrating. In fact, it is the most important date on the Christian calendar! If Christ didn’t rise from the grave, our faith would be in vain. Let’s make sure that we do our best to really celebrate Christ’s resurrection this year!
I wanted to share with you a few things that we are doing as a church as we celebrate Easter together. First, we are going to have a special online-only Good Friday Service. At 7:00 p.m. on Friday, April 2, we will be premiering a video on our website, Facebook, and YouTube pages that will be centered on Good Friday. We will sing songs, hear a short message, and worship by taking communion together.
While Resurrection Sunday is a joyous occasion, Good Friday is a time for us to reflect on why Christ had to go to the cross in the first place. It is a time of repentance where we acknowledge our sin and our need for the atonement. I want to encourage you to set aside time on Good Friday to participate in the service and remember Christ’s sacrifice. We would love for you to share the video online and worship with us as we prepare our hearts for Resurrection Sunday.
Then, on Easter Sunday, we will be having a service celebrating the resurrection. I will be clearly sharing the Gospel and we want to encourage you to invite friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers to join us in worship, either in person or online. It is going to be a great Sunday as we celebrate the fact that Jesus is the Answer!
We know that not everyone is comfortable worshipping in person yet, so we are going to do a “social media blitz” with our Easter services that Sunday. We want everyone, whether you are worshipping with us in person or online, to take a moment and share the service online. The more people that share the service, the more lost ears have the opportunity to hear the truth of the Gospel. Would you be willing to participate in this social media initiative with us?
Studies show that people are more apt to attend church on Easter than almost any other time of the year. My prayer is that we will invite people to join us this Easter at Fee Fee, in person or online. Finally, please join me in praying that God moves in a big way this Easter! We know this world needs hope. And we know that Jesus is the answer the world is looking for!
In Him,
Pastor Zach