I hope that you have received our letter about our regathering plan. Phase 1, which will be two worship services at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. will begin on June 7. There will not be any childcare or Bible Study classes at this time.

I think it goes without saying, but things are going to be different as we regather for corporate worship. We want the focus to be on Jesus and worshipping and glorifying Him when we gather. For this reason, we have developed these four simple guidelines to help smooth our transition as we hold services on our campus again.

So, in the heart of both love for God and for our neighbor, here are our four guidelines as we regather:

  1. Extend Grace – People have a lot of opinions on what we should and shouldn’t be doing as we navigate through this pandemic. Let’s extend grace to those that are doing things differently than we might be. Also, let’s extend grace to our leadership and be flexible as things might change and look different than we are used to.
  2. Give Space – We need to be conscientious about maintaining proper social distancing between family groups. Think of it this way….6 feet is basically two adult arm lengths.
  3. Allow Time – We need time to move people in and out of our building for our services, and to clean between services. Please don’t come into the building until 15 minutes before the start of the service, at the earliest. Also, allow time for ushers to dismiss you at the end of service and leave promptly when it’s your turn. Feel free to fellowship outside!
  4. Use Wisdom – If you feel sick, stay home. If you’ve been around someone who is ill, stay home and join us for worship online through our website or Facebook Live. We recommend wearing a mask, and will have some available if you need one. We want to use common sense for the common good.

As a reminder, the church campus will remain closed for any other activities during Phase 1 of our Regathering Plan. We will still have people in the office to help with emergencies and day-to-day operations, but we want to ensure that our campus is clean and safe. We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we navigate these uncharted waters.

With all that being said, we can’t wait to worship together on June 7! If we just keep in mind those simple guidelines of extending grace, giving space, allowing time, and using wisdom, I believe we can honor God and our neighbor as we worship together corporately.

We are praying for each of you and we are confident that God is still at work!

In Him,

Pastor Zach