How did you celebrate Easter this year? For me, it was honestly the strangest Resurrection Sunday that I can remember. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the common grace of modern technology. As of April 13, we have had nearly 2,000 views on our Easter service videos! However, I reached a point of longing at some point that evening.

My longing had to do with my desire for things to “go back to normal.” I am a people person and I am getting tired of not seeing my church family and friends. I’m getting tired of not playing basketball and coaching my boys’ teams. If I’m honest, I’ve never been great with patience. The uncertainty of when this pandemic will end put a cloud over my Easter Sunday. Honestly, I went to bed on Easter evening quite conflicted. I was so thankful that we could celebrate virtually, but it left me wanting more.

And then, by God’s grace, I read Acts 1 on Monday morning. As a church, we launched a church-wide reading initiative as a follow-up to Easter. We are reading through the book of Acts together, from April 13-May 10, one chapter a day. The Spirit made verses 12-14 just jump off the page to me.

What happened in those verses? Jesus had just ascended, and He had promised that the Spirit would come “in a few days.” Scholars say that there were 10 days between His ascension and Pentecost. The disciples had just had their Resurrected Messiah leave, and they were waiting on the Spirit. They weren’t sure exactly what that meant, but I am sure they were anxiously waiting. So, what did they do as they waited? Verse 14 says, “They were all continually united in prayer…” (CSB).

Just like the disciples, we are in a period of waiting. We aren’t sure when this pandemic will end. I’m optimistic that we will get to meet together physically again soon, but we honestly don’t know right now. As a people designed by God for community, social distancing is difficult. Maybe you, like me, have had a time like I had on Easter evening. A longing for things to “return to normalcy.”

That is why Acts 1:14 hit me like a ton of bricks. It reminded me of what our priority should be during this time. Instead of impatiently wondering when this time will end, God reminded me of the thing that will unite us during this time: prayer!

I have been so encouraged by our daily prayer times on Facebook live. I have been encouraged by many of you who have shared ways that you are praying for others. I have been encouraged by the privilege of praying with many of you over the phone. Acts 1:14 was a reminder to me of the most crucial thing our church can do during our time of waiting. We can unite in prayer!

God reminded me that in this season of waiting, our calling hasn’t changed. We are still going to build and pursue. We are still called to love God and others. It is true that we have to practice social distancing, but we still are called to be missionaries. We are just called to be digital missionaries during this time period.

After reading Acts 1 on Monday, I was encouraged by the power of God’s Word. Let’s unite in prayer like the disciples did. Instead of being impatient and lamenting how things were, let’s embrace the fact that God has placed us in this season for a reason. Honestly, we will all go through different struggles during this time. Things have drastically changed and it is completely natural to feel discombobulated. However, I believe that if we take those feelings to God in prayer, we will be strengthened and encouraged. We cast our cares on him because he cares for us.

I believe that we are called to unite in prayer. I also believe we are called to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be digital missionaries. Let’s read God’s Word together and unite in prayer during this time. And let’s share the hope that is found only in Jesus.

In Him,

Pastor Zach