
Leadership guru John Maxwell is known for saying, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” As we take a journey as a church through the book of Nehemiah this spring, we will see the reality of the quote played out before us. Nehemiah was truly a leader. He was able to rally the people of Israel to a common cause and was incredibly collaborative and empowering. He was a strategic leader who planned well and was able to make key decisions with wisdom and discernment. He wasn’t afraid to step out and take risks to do what he knew God was calling him to do.

However, while all of those things are true about the different aspects of Nehemiah’s leadership acumen, there is one thing that really stands out. Nehemiah was a godly leader. He prayed constantly and consistently. He understood that he was completely reliant on God to work in and through him. There are definitely universal leadership principles one can glean from Nehemiah’s life. For the Christian though, we should see the direct correlation of his leadership success with his commitment to the Lord.

Disciple Now

Speaking of leadership, we have a few things coming up in the life of our church that will promote godly servant leadership development. On March 6-8, we will be having our annual Disciple Now weekend for our youth. This is a weekend where our students will be challenged to grow in their capacity as servant leaders as they study God’s Word together and go out and do mission projects and live out their faith. Two other churches are joining up with our students in what is going to be an incredible weekend.

Please pray for Kyle and our many volunteer leaders as they serve that weekend. Pray for the college students and young adults who are stepping in to lead different groups of kids. Pray for the host families that are opening up their homes for teenagers for the entire weekend. Also, pray that God will raise up Nehemiahs in our student ministry who will be godly servant leaders to their generation. We know that Gen Z students desperately need the Gospel! Pray that this weekend would ignite a movement in our youth.

Deacon Nominations

Also, we are accepting nominations for new deacons here at Fee Fee. In this edition of the Forerunner you will find a summary of the qualifications and expectations of deacons. The full recommendation form can be found outside the Media Center. If you feel led, we’d love for you to nominate a man that you feel meets those qualifications and could be an exemplary servant leader to our church. Deacons hold a vitally important role as servant leaders here at Fee Fee. Please join us in praying that God will raise up men to lead through service here at FFBC.

In Him,

Pastor Zach