Pray for Our Local College Students
The school year is back in full swing! Each new fall means new college students at our local universities and new opportunities for young adults to come to saving faith in King Jesus. Please pray for our St. Louis area colleges. Missouri Baptist University and Lindenwood University both are seeing the Spirit move through their students; pray that He would continue His work! Be praying for laborers to go out to our colleges, for the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few (Matt. 9:37-38).
Impact Week Recap
The final tally for Impact Week is in — 492.5 hours! Thank you again for your service during Impact Week. We are praying in the weeks to come that this service spread seeds of the Gospel throughout the community, that those seeds would take root, and become a bountiful harvest for the kingdom. Continue praying and pursuing the good of your community with the love of Christ.
Finally, I want to encourage you as you may feel weary, turn to your Savior. Matthew 11:25-30 reminds us that Jesus Christ oversees all things and will give us rest. As you work this week, remember that your work is done primarily to glorify God. Secondarily, your work is designed to proclaim who God is and encourage others to seek after God themselves. Provision for your family is not the primary reason we should be working! Our reason for being, our life’s purpose as believers, is to glorify God through our work. If there is breath in your lungs, the Lord asks that you work for Him, and He will provide your rest. So work, brothers, and sisters; work for the Lord and not for men.