I love fall! The changing leaves, firepits, s’mores, hot chocolate, long sleeves, and the promise of snow in the near future. I know, I know. Some of you are still stuck on the “s” word I said in the last sentence! But I love the God who created each one of us with our unique personalities and passions. There is never a dull moment in God’s world.  He likes seasons too, and our church is about to enter a new season. While we are sad to see our pastor and his family move on, we must remember that God has called them to a new place to serve and bless a new body of believers.

At the same time, we know God’s plans for us is also for a hope and a future. If you set your alarm for 9:38 (a.m. or p.m.) as Zach asked us to and you are praying Matthew 9:28, you have already been praying for our new pastor.  God already knows who our next shepherd will be, and he is preparing his heart even today. It’s time to get ready for our next season!

In the meantime, we have some exciting events coming up that I hope you will join us at and invite some friends along. On the evening of Saturday, October 15 we will meet at the JCCA to listen to story tellers in a program by the St. Louis County Library. There will not be a bus or transportation for this trip, but groups are gathering at 6:00 p.m. to eat together at Bandanas on Dorsett beforehand. The storytelling begins at 7:30 p.m. at the J. Mirowitz Performing Arts Center, 2 Millstone Campus. This is a unique opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Then, on Friday, October 28, we will go to the Economy Museum. Admission is free. We will explore the economy and money in an interactive way. You will learn everything from how people make decisions about money, how the economy affects you, and even have the opportunity to try to lift a 28-pound gold bar. If this doesn’t entice you, we are having lunch at Crown Candy afterward! Enough said!

Enjoy the change of seasons. God is in control!