Thanks for all your help pursuing the good of our community during Impact Week. The Bible does not mention retirement so we need to keep on keeping on being the hands and feet of Jesus doing whatever we can until He calls us home. I appreciate all your hard work!

Our next event is an in-house movie. We will have lunch followed by the movie, The Insanity of God, on Wednesday, September 28 at 11:00 a.m. Lunch price is $7. This movie is the true story of missionaries Nik and Ruth Ripkin. They will tell the story of being taught by persecuted believers how to follow Jesus, how to love Him, and how to walk with Him day by day even when it doesn’t make sense. Prepare to be challenged.

On Saturday, October 15 we will meet at the JCCA to listen to story tellers in a 5:30 p.m. program by the St. Louis County Library. There will not be a bus or transportation for this trip, but I have heard groups are gathering to eat together at Bandanas on Dorsett beforehand. There will be room at my table for anyone who wants to join me.

Finally, on Friday, October 28, we will go to the Economy Museum. Admission is free. We will explore the economy and money in an interactive way. You will learn everything from how people make decisions about money, how the economy affects you, and can even try to lift a 28-pound gold bar. If this doesn’t entice you, we are having lunch at Crown Candy! Enough said!

Again, thank you for all you did this week for our community and your continued service to the church!