I have just returned from “The Big Southwest Monkey Bus Tour,” as my grandkids named it. I spent three weeks in an RV with 3 adults, an 11-year-old girl, a 7-year-old boy and 2 dogs. I can hear some of you groaning and wondering what I was thinking! I was thinking that I needed to thank God for the absolute, breathtaking beauty of His creation and the opportunity to share these moments with my family!

While we were traveling, I worked quite a lot on Adult VBS and wanted to make sure to extend a personal invitation to attend. We are going to look at a familiar Jesus and some familiar Bible accounts from a Jewish cultural perspective. If you love Jesus now, you will walk away with a richer understanding and love of who He is, why He came, and His love for us.

We will see how Jesus did not come to turn the world upside down but rather right side up! We will understand exactly what it means when it says that the Messiah will have healing in His wings. We might not exactly understand what that means but the woman who had bled twelve years got it and believed it, and we will finally understand that cultural idiom. I can’t wait to help you see the richness of scripture from a Jewish perspective.

Join me August 22-25, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Bring your Bible, notebooks and pens, and your anticipation of studying scripture. Not only that, but we will have some good music and singing led by Ronna. And of course, there are always those wonderful snacks. Come on out for our annual Adult VBS and bring some friends, too. Adults of all ages (not just Prime Timers) are welcome!