Church Family,

Do you know what time of year it is? It’s Vacation Bible School time! July 18-22, we are going to have a Monumental week as we get to celebrate God’s greatness through the story of Joseph. Each day, our kids are going to be important truths found in the story of Joseph. Truths like “God loves you no matter what,” and “God is with you everywhere.”

I’m so excited to spend a week with kids from our church and community and share the Gospel with them and instill these incredible truths from God’s Word! Not only that, but after VBS in the morning, our afternoon soccer camp is completely full! Kids are going to get to learn about the great game of soccer and have a solid camp experience. But, most importantly, they are going to have the truth of God’s Word instilled in them throughout this camp experience as well!

As you can see, VBS is an incredibly important week for our church. How important? Just look at these statistics from a study from Lifeway back in 2016. Each year:

  • 25 percent of baptisms reported by the SBC come from VBS.
  • 10 percent of people enrolled in VBS are unchurched.
  • 2.7 million people enroll in VBS each year.
  • 72,925 people each year accept Christ as Lord and Savior.

VBS is a great outreach opportunity for our church. Please join me in praying for the kids and volunteers this week. I am believing that God is going to move in the next generation of students!

Also, as a way to emphasize and celebrate VBS, I wanted to share with you about our plans for having one united service on Sunday, July 24. Rather than two different worship services, we will only have one service at 11:00 a.m. We will still have our Bible Study classes at the normal 9:45 a.m. time. However, there will not be an 8:30 a.m. service. Instead, we are gathering together to celebrate what God did at VBS!

Our VBS kids will be helping lead worship and you will get to hear all about what they learned. I’m excited for us to recap the week and for us to be blessed by the next generation of our church. You definitely don’t want to miss this opportunity for us to worship together corporately and support our kids!

Please be praying for our Vacation Bible School and the many kids who will be attending. We want the next generation building their lives on Jesus and pursuing the good of our community for the glory of God!

In Him,

Pastor Zach Crook