Don’t forget to sign up in the Connection Center for Josephine’s Tea Room in Godfrey, Illinois.  We will leave church at 10:00 a.m., eat lunch, and then do a little shopping. Gentlemen are welcome to come and hold our bags!  Lunch will be approximately $12-$17, plus an additional $3 per person for the gas for the bus. Hope to see you on Monday, June 27.

The Prime Time council meets next week to plan the next quarter. If you have ideas or would like to serve on this advisory council, please let me know. We always welcome new ideas and new faces.

We are not planning any activities for the month of July but will start fun activities again in August. Adult VBS will be in August, and I will let you know the dates in the next Forerunner. As always, this is an excellent way to continue to build our lives on Jesus. Stay cool and keep on serving!