Pick up a bookmark or reading plan from the Connection Center for our Summer/Fall Bible Reading Plan, which covers 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles. We have read all of the New Testament, Isaiah, and from Genesis through 2 Samuel together. If you have not participated, it is not too late to start now.

I want to encourage those of you doing T-groups to start meeting in person. I know some of you love your Marco Polo groups but there is nothing better than the interaction you have when meeting together face to face.

I would also like to see small groups beginning to resume. If you need materials or suggestions of how to get this going, contact Gloria. You can meet in homes or the church. If you want to meet in the church, one person in the group will need to schedule that on the church calendar but contacting the church office (314) 739-1525.

Get involved in Bible Study with others. Talk to Gloria if you want to get involved.