Thank You!!!

Wow…where do I even begin…Thank you, Church, for all of your support and prayers over the last couple of months in preparation, but especially over the last week as we enjoyed our annual DNOW Weekend! This weekend was one filled with lots of laughs, fun games, amazing worship, acts of service, genuine conversation, connections with new friends, opportunities to grow closer together, and an amazing display of the Gospel. All of this was made possible by you, Church. Whether you donated financially to sponsor a student, donated supplies, or prayed for a student, YOU partnered with God to make this weekend happen! I encourage you to talk with a student and ask them about the weekend, and what they experienced. Please continue to also pray for these students over the next couple of weeks. Seeds were planted this weekend that may take time to root. Pray that God will speak clearly to them, and that they will surrender to His will. We want to continue to see lives change for the Gospel!