
Our love through Christian sympathy is extended to

Diane Wright on the passing of her husband, Victor Wright, on March 5.

Family and friends on the passing of David (Bill) Pischel, on March 12.

Deacon Recommendations: Qualifications/Expectations
  1. Choose persons who meet the biblical qualifications set forth primarily in Acts 6:1-7 and I Timothy 3:8-13.
  • A man of honest (good) report (Acts 6:3).
  • Full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3).
  • Full of wisdom (Acts 6:3).
  • Full of faith (Acts 6:5).
  • Grave (I Timothy 3:8); reverence for spiritual matters.
  • Not double-tongued (I Timothy 3:8).
  • Not given to much wine (I Timothy 3:8).
  • Not greedy of filthy lucre (I Timothy 3:8).
  • A holder of the faith (I Timothy 3:9).
  • Tested and proved (I Timothy 3:10).
  • Blameless (I Timothy 3:10).
  • Christian family life (I Timothy 3:11-12).
  • Husband of one wife (I Timothy 3:11-12).
  • Ruling their children and their own houses well (I Timothy 3:12).
  • Bold in the faith (I Timothy 3:13).
  1. Choose persons who can serve well.

(Full recommendation forms can be found in the Connection Center and can be turned in to a Deacon, church staff, or church office.)