It looks like the pandemic is finally waning. I’m hoping that soon I can see you all again face to face. It’s been a challenging season, but we have learned some valuable spiritual lessons during this time. One of those is that our lives are to be lived in community. We need the fellowship, encouragement, and iron sharpening iron in our lives that needs to be done in person. I hope that we haven’t become complacent and are satisfied with watching church in our jammies. It’s time to get back together so we can serve the church and the community.

I’m looking forward to a very special Valentine’s Day with many of you in a cave. Yes, we are going to Meramec Caverns that day at 10:00 a.m. We will eat lunch and then go on a cave tour.  The tour lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes and the cave is ADA accessible. There is one spot that has a few steps but if you are unable to traverse them, you can remain there, and the group will loop back around to you.

On Wednesday, February 23 we will meet in the Dining Room at 11:00 a.m. for chili and soup and then watch the movie, American Underdog. This is the story of our own Kurt Warner. Hope to see you then!

Keep on keeping on!