The Christmas Season

Goodness…the holiday season is gearing up and things are getting busy! Take time to breathe. Be thankful and ask Him to help you make Christmas truly a season of joy celebrating who He is and what he has done for you!


A digital survey was sent to you by email regarding family ministry. I want to hear from you about our children and family ministries and how we can serve you and our community better. Thank you to those that have already taken the survey.

Parents’ Night Out

PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT is back again Friday, December 10, from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Bring your kids – ages 2 years old through 5th grade – for a fun night with friends and shopping in our free Christmas store while parents have a night out. Pizza supper will be provided for kids and workers. All this for only $5 per child! Sign-up sheets are available now in the Connection Center. You can also email or call Kathy to make a reservation. Reservations are required and the deadline is December 5. Donations for new items to offer in the Christmas store are welcome anytime; there is a box in the Connection Center to place donations. This will allow kids to shop for their immediate family during Parents’ Night Out. Thank you so much for your support!

“The Lord has been so good to me! How can I ever pay him back? … I will worship Him.  In front of all of the Lord’s people, I will do what I promised him,” (Psalm 116:12,14).