Preschool Care Needed

You should see the smiles on kids’ faces when they come to play with their friends at church! A few are even sad to leave our church when it is time to go home! Do you want to be part of caring for these little ones? If you can give your time to care for preschoolers during one worship service each month, please contact Kathy ( We need you! You will be doing a great service for our families and for your church!


July 26-30 is VBS Wilderness Escape from 9:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m. We still have a few unique spots open for God to use you to help kids see how God guides and provides. If you are interested in volunteering, email Kathy at or call the church office. Thank you for picking up supply donation slips.  Donate or purchase the item(s) on the slip of paper and return to church by July 5. Lots of hands are needed for a successful VBS; sign up today! Please pray for the volunteers and kids as all the details fall into place.

Sports Crusaders Basketball Camp is also July 26-30 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

In 2019, 4 children came to know Christ through our basketball camp! What a tremendous ministry this is for our kids to enjoy and know Christ in a fun and unique way. As we host these phenomenal college students who are coaching, we have a few needs that you can help out with!

  • Bed & breakfast (2 homes would be great!)
  • Gifts cards and/or cash for meals
  • Prayer for crusaders and children who attend camp

If you or your Bible Study groups can help with these needs, please see Kathy. As always, thank you for your generosity!

Registration for VBS and Sports Camp Still Available

Register on our website at or We can only accommodate 40 kids for basketball camp, so register early. (The same registration form can be used for both events).

Family Swim Night

The very next week after VBS we are hosting a FREE Family Swim Night at the Bridgeton Municipal Pool on August 6 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.