Please sign up in the new Connection Center for our April 16 outing. We have a brand new area for our members where the sign-up sheets will be. Walk towards the media center through the coffee Café and it is on your left, before entering the Café Annex. The Fee Fee mailboxes have also been moved there.

On Friday, April 16 we will leave at 10:00 a.m. for Kimmswick. Lunch will be at the Blue Owl and there will be time for some shopping afterward. I hope you will be able to join me! It’s been a long time and I personally am looking forward to some great food, much-needed fellowship, a lot of laughs, and a little shopping.

I also have one correction from the last issue. The date for the Perryville trip is Friday, June 11 (not July). Good catch, Prime Timers. I think most of you called me to tell me!

I know that many of you have been reading along in our Grounded Reading Plan through the New Testament. I would be interested in knowing your thoughts about what to do next. Do you want to continue the momentum by reading though the Old Testament at a slower rate (perhaps 2 chapters a day, Monday – Friday, with catch-up on the weekend)? Or do you need a break? Do you have other suggestions? You can email me at, or text me at (314) 604-6071, or call me at the church office (314) 739-1525, but remember, I am not in the office every day and this is not the best way to reach me.

Hope you are all enjoying God’s handiwork as He is changing the seasons for us. Don’t sneeze too much and I look forward to being with you on our upcoming event on April 16!