On a recent Live Prayer time, I was encouraged by the number of you who had accepted the challenge of reading through the New Testament in 90 days together. It is exciting and encouraging to think that God can transform us through the power of His Word.

I’m sure there will be days when we get behind. Saturdays and Sundays are a great day to catch up since there are no assigned readings on the weekends. If you are like me, some days are just busy. I just finished reading Matthew 5-7 and it is 10:38. That is p.m. – not a.m. As I finished today’s passage, I was struck by what it must have been like to hear Jesus teach the radical concepts He taught His disciples in the sermon in the mount. Yes, I just said the disciples. I think we often think He was teaching a crowd but reread 5:1. He started with just His disciples who He was preparing for the days and mission ahead. It quickly becomes obvious that God’s way of living usually contradicts the worlds. I’m sure by the end of chapter 7, great crowds had gathered to hear the radical way of living that God expects of His followers as He said, “You have heard it said, but I say to you.” Imagine their surprise when He concluded by commanding them to be perfect!

If you would like to talk with others in the church who are reading through the New Testament, please consider joining a Transformation Group. You can join at any time. A different person will be the leader each weekday and will share their take on the Scripture reading for that day. Others in the group can then comment or just give it a thumbs up. All you need is a smart phone or tablet and the Marco Polo app. Let me know if you are interested.