I hope you enjoyed using your Advent Boxes to lead your family in celebrating the true meaning of Christmas this year! Continue to enjoy and celebrate together the coming of our Lord, even into the new year!

Make it a New Year’s resolution to have Family devotions.

Why? It’s God’s Command (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Ephesians 6:4, and Proverbs 22:6). Beginning January 1, 2021, we will provide you with Grounded Family Devotions to help you with daily devotional time and to lead your family closer to Jesus. Grounded is a reading plan the whole church will be going through to read the New Testament in 90 days.

But why wait? We all want to help our children to come to love and believe in the one True God. Setting time aside each day will show our children that God is the center and priority of our lives. If you need some devotional materials in the meantime, your child receives a devotion booklet each month. Preschoolers receive a page each week. Those are a good place to begin!

Upcoming Kids’ Activities:

Wednesdays: AWANA plans to start up again mid-January, with the hope that the virus does not escalate after Christmas. We will keep you updated.

Sundays: Preschool care is provided for birth through Pre-K during 11:00 a.m. worship. Through at least January 3, elementary children will worship with their parents, as there will be no KidsZone; however, PraizPaks will be provided for both worship services. We hope to start preschool and children’s Bible study in January, as well as KidsZone.

Wishing you a very blessed new year and praying we will ALL be able to join together again in person very soon for Bible Study and worship!

“(Mary) is going to have a son. You must give Him the name Jesus. That is because He will save his people from their sins.  All of this took place to bring about what the Lord said would happen,” (Matthew 1:22).

Isn’t it wonderful that we can trust and depend on what God says! What a great way to start the New Year!