2021 is right around the corner. After what we have endured this year, I know many of us our ready to put 2020 in our rearview mirrors! With the new year coming, it is always a great time to set some goals for the new year. While we often talk about losing weight or exercising more, I’d love for you to consider what spiritual goals you would like to set for the next year.

How would you like to have 228% higher odds of sharing your faith in 2021? How about having 231% better odds in discipling others? Or how about 407% better odds in memorizing Scripture this year?

What if I told you that academic research has been done and has shown that those percentages to be true, based on one particular factor: reading Scripture at least four days a week!

The Center for Bible Engagement (CBE) calls it the “power of 4.” The study they conducted found that reading your Bible at least four days a week increased your chances of sharing your faith and discipling others and memorizing Scripture by those incredible percentages!

Also, when it comes to changing negative behaviors, reading Scripture at least four days a week made a huge difference as well. It lowered the odds of getting drunk (by 57%), sex outside of marriage (by 68%), pornography (by 61%), and gambling (by 74%).

However, and this is key, they found there was NO statistical difference in behaviors between Christians who read or listen to the Bible two to three days a week and those who do not engage Scripture at all or only once a week. In other words, there is astronomical change at 4 days a week, but not much change at all if you read the Bible any less than that.

This study is a reminder to all of us about the importance of reading God’s Word! It is going to be a major emphasis for our church in 2021. We are having a special initiative to kick off 2021. We are calling it Grounded: A Study through the New Testament. We have developed a reading plan where we will read through the New Testament together over 18 weeks. There will be daily readings every weekday (Monday-Friday), and the weekends will be a grace period where you can catch up on your reading. What better goal is there to set for 2021 than to read through the New Testament with your church?!

We are committed to providing resources and accountability to help as we take this challenge together. We have a free digital devotion that goes along with the daily reading that we can send to you. We are starting virtual transformation groups where you can have accountability and share what God is teaching you. We are providing weekly family devotions so discipleship can happen easier in the home. I will be preaching through the New Testament as we read through it together as well.

The key is engaging with Scripture at least 4 days a week. The studies show how that can revolutionize your spiritual life. Would you commit to joining with your church in doing that this year?

In Him,

Pastor Zach