My article for this edition of The Forerunner is going to be a little different than usual. I’m still going to share about some things that are coming up in the life of our church. Specifically, how we are going to be walking through the book of 1 Peter together as a church starting on September 20. However, before we get into that, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the work of Ruth Thoma here at Fee Fee Baptist.

If you haven’t heard, Ruth is retiring at the end of the month. She has served faithfully here at Fee Fee Baptist for nineteen and a half years! She has served in a variety of support staff roles and has been deeply connected to our church for nearly two decades. For the last year and a half, Ruth has served as my administrative assistant and has provided invaluable insight to me. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone to her to better understand different people and situations in the church. One thing that you can’t develop overnight is institutional knowledge. Ruth’s faithful service here at FFBC is something that gave her a knowledge base that I have repeatedly been able to benefit from.

However, more than her institutional knowledge, Ruth’s heart for the Lord and her joy in serving Him is what stands out the most to me. I have been so encouraged by Ruth’s unshakable faith and her incredible servant’s heart. She has worked tirelessly in serving the Lord and serving this church for the last two decades. Additionally, I know that so many of you have benefited from getting to spend time with her over the years.

The Bible says that we are to give honor where honor is due. Please take the opportunity to let Ruth know how much you appreciate the way she has served the Lord and our church. I’ve been so blessed to work with her! Please join me in praying for her as she makes this transition out of the workplace and into retirement. I know God is still going to use her in incredible ways!

Ruth’s example of service is something that we want to emulate. There will be a few different opportunities coming up for us to do just that. Not only are we continuing with our Mobile Food Pantry, but we also will be hosting another blood drive on October 1-2. If you can sign up to donate, that would be great! Finally, we will be having a church workday on October 3. Would you be willing to come and help out and beautify our campus?

Also, I want to encourage you to dig into 1 Peter with us. In this time of uncertainty in our world, it is a great reminder that we have a Living Hope! We are elect exiles who are here to proclaim the truth of the Gospel to a world that is needing hope. Studying this book together this fall will prayerfully equip us to be ready with a reason for the hope we have!

In Him,

Pastor Zach