As we enter month four of this pandemic, things can get frustrating. If I can be honest, I often feel frustrated. I miss seeing many of your faces on Sunday mornings. I miss sharing meals and studying God’s Word together on Wednesday nights. I miss hugs, handshakes, and high fives. I long for “normalcy,” and for our church to be full again.

However, time and time again, as I have sought the Lord, I’ve been reminded of the need to persevere. To continue serving Him in any way that we can. Whenever I get frustrated, I turn my attention to Him, and I’m reminded that our mission hasn’t changed. Paul reminds us in Philippians 3 that we need to press on toward the goal! In addition, God has been incredibly gracious with little reminders of how good He is.

Too often, I focus on the fact that three of our mission trips were canceled this summer. However, God has reminded me to stay focused and celebrate the one mission trip that is still happening. Right now, as I am writing this, Dave and Donna Potts are serving with the Concord Builders, on mission for Christ. Let’s celebrate that!

Also, whenever I feel frustrated, I’m reminded of how we are being flexible and working to serve our community and meet needs. I am eagerly awaiting our Impact Week, August 2-8. I can’t wait to see how God moves and works in our church and in our community through that week. I’d love for you to go ahead and block that week off on your calendars and be ready to serve the Lord in a variety of ways, including: the St. Louis Area Foodbank, Loaves and Fishes, Room at the Inn, and so much more. We are going to have a myriad of opportunities for you to be the hands and feet of Jesus this summer.

Speaking of flexibility, that has become a way of life around the church recently. One way that we are asking you to be flexible is with our July Business Meeting. We need to go over some financial reports and approve scholarships, along with other important business. We would ask that you join us on Sunday, July 19, at 2:00 p.m. as we conduct this meeting. We know it’s not the regular time that we have business meetings, but we are asking for you to be flexible and attend, if possible. There are two ways to attend. You can either come, in person, to the sanctuary. Or, you can attend online through our website. You can go to There, you will have to enter the password: business. This password protected site will have the video stream of the building, an online ballot for you to use to vote, and a PDF copy of our minutes and reports. We need to have a quorum to get these things taken care of, so we would love for you to participate!

Please join me in praying for our church. We want to avoid falling into an attitude of frustration. Instead, I am praying that we will persevere and stay on mission for Christ. Our community and our world need the hope of the gospel. Let’s be God’s hands and feet and share that hope!

In Him,

Pastor Zach