These are exciting words – “Mark your calendars!” for Adult Vacation Bible School! We will meet July 27-30 (Monday through Thursday) from 9:00 a.m. through 11:30 a.m. in the Dining Room. We will be sitting at the round tables and social distancing. I’m hoping you will attend but completely understand if you do not yet feel comfortable. I have absolutely no idea what I will be teaching but am open to suggestions. I was thinking it is about time for an Old Testament book. Please email or text me with any ideas!
I hope you are still reading with us from the Gospel of John. As I read chapter 16 today, Jesus was telling His disciples that He was about to leave them, but He was going to send the Holy Spirit who would always be with them. I love the fact that we are never ever alone. The Spirit of the Living God is in us – encouraging us, empowering us, and leading us.
My friend Laura Jo Jones shared a video with me yesterday about shoulder taps. A man was having dinner with his wife, and while looking around the restaurant, he noticed an elderly lady all dressed up who was soon joined by her family. As he sat there, he felt the Spirit tell him to tell her how nice she looked. He thought this was strange but the impression would not go away. After he paid his bill, he went up to the lady, squatted in front of her and said, I just wanted to tell you how lovely you look. To his surprise, she looked him in the eyes and responded, “I know who you are.” He assured her that they had not met before, but she replied, “my husband died a year ago and that is something he would have said to me. Thank you!”
We need to respond when the Spirit taps us on the shoulder. Even though it might seem silly or uncomfortable, respond in love and obedience. God can use us at just the right moment to bless others and ourselves when we are listening to His Spirit.