By the time you read this, we will be in Phase 1 of reopening St. Louis County. Some of you will be cautiously peeping out your door and others will be bursting forth as if you have just been released from prison. However, you choose to approach this new season, remember to love and respect those who might have a different approach from yours. We will once again be walking through uncharted territory and will need to act in agape love to others, the kind of love that puts the needs and well-being of others before ours.

One thing is certain, through all this, God has been faithful to His church. He has allowed us to minister to many in our community and to those within the church. Your generosity in sharing from your resources has made it possible to meet the needs of others.

Today is my day at the office (Tuesday). Vance showed me how to access the door camera at the end of March. By April 1, I could neither use nor find that camera. If the doorbell rings, and I am the only one here, my non-technological response is to walk down the hall and see who is at the door.

When it rang about an hour ago, there was a man about 50 years old on a bicycle. I went to the door to see what he needed. His name was George and he was from Texas. He and his wife’s van broke down and they are living at the Motel 6 on Dorsett. His son has mailed them their stimulus check, but it hasn’t arrived here yet. He has been trying to find odd jobs to pay for their motel until they get their checks and can get back to Texas. He needed $7 to be able to pay for his room tonight and asked if we had any chili for their dinner.  I gave him some microwavable food, breakfast bars, $7 and prayed with him. He thanked Jesus for providing.

There are more “Georges” all around you. While I have been typing this article, I had a phone call from a woman asking for info about our Mobile Market on May 18. God is using His church to help those in need. Keep your eyes open. Look for opportunities to help. Some needs are physical, some emotional, and some spiritual. Let Jesus use you!

Hope to see you in person soon!