I love food. In particular, I love my wife’s enchiladas. They are unbelievably delicious. Whenever I find out that she is cooking my favorite meal, my mouth waters with anticipation. I purposefully eat a lighter lunch to make sure that I will truly enjoy the meal. Then, when I finally sit down for dinner, I savor every bite. Her enchiladas are amazing!

As we read through the book of Acts together as a church, there is a brief mention in chapter 17 of an incredible group of people. This group of people treats the Word of God the way I treat my wife’s enchiladas. Look at Acts 17:10-11:

“As soon as it was night, the brothers and sisters sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. Upon arrival, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. The people here were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, since they received the word with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”

Do you see what it says about the Bereans? They received God’s Word with eagerness! What exactly does that mean? Just like I look forward all day to eating those enchiladas, so the Bereans looked forward to hearing God’s Word. Just like I savored and devoured every bite, they eagerly received the Word!

What is your attitude towards Scripture? Are you savoring God’s Word during this time of quarantine? The Bereans didn’t just receive it eagerly, they then went and examined the Scriptures for themselves. They wanted to verify everything that Paul and Silas taught.

In a very real sense, the Bereans didn’t just sit and hear a sermon on Sunday morning, they also studied God’s Word throughout the week. I pray that you are joining with us in reading Acts together. That we, as Fee Fee Baptist Church, will be known as a church that receives God’s Word with eagerness and studies it daily!

Why is it so important to study God’s Word? Because it gives life! Look at the beginning of verse 12:

Consequently, many of them believed…”

The Scriptures are living and active, and they point us toward Christ! When we truly study God’s Word, we see that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It leads us to him!

These are uncertain times. I know that I am tired of being cooped up. I am missing each one of you greatly. I am frustrated that things can’t be “normal.” However, in the midst of this uncertainty, I am praying that every one of us will set aside time to spend in God’s Word. As the Psalmist says, “God’s Word is sweeter than honey.” Or, we might just say it is tastier than enchiladas!

I miss gathering with you physically, church. But I’m thankful we can stay connected through prayer and the reading of God’s Word!

In Him,

Pastor Zach