Friendship Choir is Back

We need YOU in our Friendship Choir! Ministering mainly to residents in nursing homes and retirement centers, our traveling choir seeks to share joy and encouragement through songs of inspiration wherever we go. Please consider joining us in this ministry. Rehearsal is on Monday evenings from 5:45 to 6:30 p.m.

Palm Sunday Choir

Our Sunday choir is once again doing an extended program of music during our 8:30 a.m. worship on Palm Sunday, April 5. The music in this mini-musical consists of powerful worship songs to celebrate the journey of Christ. We are practicing this music on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:00 p.m.  Please join us in this special presentation that leads up to culmination of Resurrection Sunday.

The Daily Song of the Levitical Choir

Recently I have become intrigued by the intense training, duties, and ministry of the Levitical musicians. It may be of interest to many of you to know about the daily song of the Levitical Choir. Although the Levites sang upon many occasions in the Holy Temple, one of their most important and basic musical tasks was the daily song. Each day the Levite choir stood on the platform and sang a special song for that particular day. All these songs with their instrumental arrangements were performed while the morning and evening wine libations were poured out on the altar by the officiating priests. Each day during the wine libation, the overseer of the choir stood above one of the horns of the altar and signaled to the Levites with a kerchief in his hand to begin their song. At three points in their song, they would pause, when the priests would sound the silver trumpets and all the people in the court would lay prostrate before the Presence of God. On each day of the week, the songs, a different Psalm daily, represented the events of the six days of creation. Obviously, the choir was a busy one – singing daily!