We have some exciting events coming up! Don’t forget to sign up for the trip to Union Station to visit the Aquarium on Thursday, February 13. The cost is $25. Afterwards, we will have lunch at one of the best restaurants on The Hill – Zia’s. And we can likely find time to walk across the street to the Missouri Bakery. As a reminder, the bakery only accepts cash. The bus will depart from the church at 10:00 a.m.

On Thursday, March 12, we will meet in the dining room for Art’s famous chili with all the fixings, brownies, and games. Please bring your favorite game and we will play until we get tired of playing. The cost for lunch is $6.

Next, we have a day trip planned to the Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO. The bus will leave the church at 9:30 a.m. We will have lunch at Bek’s and then tour the museum. What is the story behind a Churchill museum in Missouri, of all places? In 1946, at Westminster College, Winston Churchill delivered one of the most significant speeches of his long and illustrious career entitled, “Sinews of Peace.” To find out more about how this museum placed in the heart of our state came to be, join us on a historically rich tour. The cost of this trip is $14 ($9 tour, $5 transportation), plus cost of lunch.

All sign-up sheets are on the table by the Media Center.