Wednesday Night Activities for kids began September 11 at 6pm. We are having a great time! If you have an hour on Wednesday nights, we would love to involve you in helping our kids learn scripture!

I’m A Christian Now class will begin October 6. This is for kids (with a parent) who have made a profession of faith in Jesus. In this class, we discover what the Bible says a Christian is, what the Lord’s Supper and Baptism is and is not, what is the Church and how I can serve, and how to grow as a Christian. If you know of a child who has not had this class and have received Christ already, I would love to talk with them and include the family in this class.

October 27 is a big day for our church! We are going to have a Trunk or Treat/Fall party to welcome our community. We plan to have something outside to attract families then have trunks down the alleyway and in the back, and games and other activities inside gym. This will be a churchwide event to involve all. If you cannot be there, your job will be to provide candy.

Needs for this event:

  • decorated trunk and provide candy for your trunk
  • provide candy
  • run a game
  • engage people in conversation
  • manage food (popcorn, hotdogs and cotton candy)
  • help with parking and activities and point people toward back and gym

We may even have judging opportunities for trunk and booths. We hope you will invite your neighbors, friends and family to join us to host our community.

Most of you know it takes many hands to have a God-honoring Children’s Ministry. We have some openings that need adults to help make these ministries to our families successful and safe. None of these are hard and some are just once a month. It just takes willing individuals to be used by God to love our kids.

1 more adult each Sunday for preschool worship care (1/month)

KidsZone helpers (1 adult to assist the leader each Sun. 1/month)

Games leader from 7:00-7:25 on Wed. Nights (1/month)

1 teacher for toddler Sunday School class (every Sun.)

1 more adult to help a child on Wed. nights to learn their scripture (each week)

If you can serve, please talk to me. God can use you in a wonderful way!

Eph.3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us—to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generation, forever and ever. Amen.