Let me first say thank you all for your support in my life as I grew in my faith here at Fee Fee. I will be leaving for college August 5th, and I whole-heartedly believe that God has properly equipped me to be a bold servant for Him, even in the mission field of a public university.

There is still quite a big question mark about what’s next for the youth department. We still need people to step up and help. We have some volunteers for Sunday Mornings, but when the school year starts volunteers will be needed to lead Wednesday night small groups for the students. Sign-ups for these positions will soon be posted for you to answer if God has called you to serve.

Yet amid the chaos, I found strange reassurance in John chapter 11. Jesus had just learned about Lazarus’ sickness and proclaimed that the sickness would be used for God’s glory. But look at the next 2 verses: “Now Jesus loved Martha, her sister, and Lazarus. So, when he heard that he was sick, he stayed two more days in the place where he was.” (John 11:5-6 CSB) Jesus intentionally waits 2 more days before making his way to Bethany, where Lazarus was sick. Long distance healing is not an issue to Jesus either, as we see with his interaction with the Roman centurion. Jesus waits 2 days because he knows that waiting for Lazarus to die will bring the greatest glory to God and show God’s power over death to the disciples and convince the Pharisees to kill Jesus (which ultimately leads to more glory). Our situation at FeeFee may not be as dire as Lazarus’, but we can take heart in knowing that God has the perfect time to send someone to proclaim His glory to our youth.

Let everything we say and do be to honor and glorify our Lord.

Joey Stewart, Summer Intern