End of the Year Encouragement

The end of the school year is upon us, and that means summer is right around the corner! While that may sound exciting, and maybe that will give you the extra boost you need to make it to the end of the year, sometimes this last month of school seems to just drag on and never end. While we have lots of things to look forward to like prom, end of year parties, sports, and graduation, there also is the fear and worry that comes from finals, EOC’s, projects, and presentations. The clock is ticking…how are you going to face it? When I was a student, one verse I would often turn to was Romans 5:3-4. There is glory in hard times, and that produces perseverance, which produces character, which produces hope! Students, you are so close to the finish line…keep digging! Parents, remember to check in on your students this month. You may get the standard “I’m okay” response when you check in on them, but just know that your intentionality means the world, even if your student is too cool to tell you now (trust me they will when they are older). Church, pray for our students! This is a huge time for them, and they need your support. It takes a village, and Fee Fee is faithful! Let’s finish the race well!